david riley
A fidgeter of outcomes between signal and noise. I use signal and noise as my primary mediums. A signal stimulates an idea, noise interferes, and the enquiry generates new outcomes.
In the record of my enquiry you will find a constant dialogue between digital and analogue, one informing the other, I flip and flop between the two and occasionally we meet in the middle somewhere to create something unexpected. In logic flip-flops are bistable elements, in my art digital and analogue are bi-unstable, almost as if there is a self clocking mechanism encouraging constant movement between states and exploration of the space in-between. The materials used to create an outcome are chosen to be appropriate to the enquiry. An outcome may be real (a drawing, a painting, a print, an installation) or virtual (a digital image, an animation, a blog, a web site). Outcomes often contain multiple components. Many artists have, over the years, created a proportion of their work with the help of assistants and technicians. My network of computers are a substitute for that team. I use technology to multiply both the depth and width of my practice. Website: revad.com/ |