Christmas Arts & Crafts
A unique selection of contemporary handmade arts and crafts brought to you by our very talented members. Many opportunities to stock up on Christmas gifts with innovative and bespoke arts and crafts, ranging from mosaics to textiles, ceramics to jewellery plus sumptuous prints and original products. |
Tracy and Sally began collaborating with their exhibitions because they recognised the way their art forms complement one another. The straightness of photographic architecture, both internal and external and the way ceramics introduces us to natural textures, shapes and lines. It is a collaboration that takes your senses on a journey and soothes us into Autumn. |
The word 'underpinning' is evocative of many things from the history and archaeology of a city to personal concepts that signify and generate practice. For this exhibition each artist has taken her own ideas to make a collection of textile related work. When all six are put together they show a fascinating variety of form, methodology and inspiration. |
Oxfordshire’s C21 Group is one of the county’s longest-established creative art groups. Painting exclusively in oil, the group’s members share a passion for colour, tone and composition, giving their diversity of style a sense of harmony. The members gather at Stanton St John once a week to paint and to exchange ideas, while supporting and encouraging one another in their endeavours. Eleven artists are showing their paintings in our gallery during Artweeks. |
BEYOND OBSERVATION: Exposing Nature and Self
Two very passionate artists whose work powerfully expresses as much about themselves as it does about their chosen landscapes. Nicki’s intricate surfaces are built up in oil and cold wax; Sally’s paintings are often a web of overlayed colour and mark. Both artists express deep understanding of their chosen subjects. This exhibition develops time-honoured themes about nature and atmosphere in new and exciting ways that are both universal and deeply personal. |